Monday, October 15, 2018



A PSYCHIC VAMPIRE is also known

More like an Energy-draining creature.

A Son Of Satan gets his POWER {Energy} from within.
He knows the true SOURCE of all POWER {Energy} is within him or her even though it manifests
in the Physical World.

This takes Spiritual Training for most of us are taught from
birth that our Source of Energy comes from some 
Jehovah, Yahweh, or Jesus in the West,
and Allah in the East.

Those in a non-religious house may be taught
their power comes from food, water, and air.

 The PSYCHIC VAMPIRE targets you for Energy transfer in the worst way.
You don't know it, 
till it is too late,
unless you are aware of it.

Here are a few defenses for PSYCHIC VAMPIRES.

1. You bring things into your life by placing awareness on them.
You have a lot of choices now, FOCUS is the key. 2. Don’t control the mind, control your awareness. Be conscious of 'being conscious.' 3. Practice awareness by focusing on one thing at a time throughout the day. Pick one or two major task a day and don't do anything else until you complete them. 4. Energy is a finite resource in the Physical World. 1. Each day you wake up with a certain amount of energy. It’s up to you where you’re gonna allocate it. You 'take in', 'direct', and 'give out' ENERGY, the whole fun of life is putting your energy into the things you love and create. 2. When you die, nobody really knows what happens next. And nobody cares.
5. Energy cannot be destroyed or created, only transferred.
You as a PSI BEING, Energy, and God always existed
and will always exist being an ETERNAL FORCE.
6. Every morning ponder your life’s purpose for 5 minutes.
A man without a goal is a man without a future. 7. Every year make a conscious decision who to allocate energy to. Put your Energy into things and people who appreciate it and appreciate you.
8. Discern between transient and inherent Psychic Vampires. Some Vamps are on the go, others seem to stay around forever, here is how to deal with this two Massive Energy Drainers.

9. Two strategies for dealing with inherent and Transient Psychic Vampires:
1. Be affectionately detached from inherent Psychic Vampires. 1. "I have a really important thing to do” - it's true: your time and energy are finite and you need to choose between various activities. 2. "Have a wonderful day” - it’s true, you want to have a wonderful day, despite him or her being a Psychic Vampire. 3. "Let’s grab lunch some time”, „See you later” - not really. Don’t say things you don’t mean. Don't make false claims but don't let them know you are on to them also. 2. Place the burden of responsibility on them. 1. Turn the tables on them every chance you get. Psychic Vampires can be 'Gimme mutherfuckers' who think it is their divine right to take everything they can from you and make you feel guilty if you do not obey their request, after all, you are their best friend {inherit Vamp}.
Don't fall for it, if they ask you to do something and volunteer money or want to help out by doing something themselves, let them!
Act surprised they volunteered and let them 'work' for a change and take the money and run.

10. Resolve emotions attached to memories and people by writing down the memory on a piece of paper, crushing it then burning it 1-4 times, depending on how strong the emotion is.

Every once in a while you may encounter a GRAND PSYCHIC VAMP.
These guys and gals can absorb enormous amounts of Energy very quickly. They can even leave you feeling suicidal or deeply exhausted or depressed. The best way to deal with this Energy pigs is to create a Black hole over your place and let itattracte and absorb all the light in the area. This will neutralize any GRAND PSYCHIC VAMP and render him or her useless and even make them feel atremendouss depletion of Energy on their part.
Psychic Vampires make great incubus andsuccubusess.


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