Wednesday, May 15, 2019



In Christianity, it is 
"Thy Will Be Done!"

To a Satanists, it is 
"My Will Be Done, and Be Done Here and Now!"

Of course, I added the second part for unlike
Christians, we don't WAIT for a BETTER TOMORROW
or a 'Paradise after Death.'

It is better to live in a FOOL'S PARADISE
here and now,
then a heaven 
at some future date
 after you are dead.

And all that is said for if one is to be a true 'god',
he or she must understand that this is no 'ego trip'.

Being a 'god' in Satanism has a dual meaning.

Being your own 'god' means just that.
You are in charge of your life
past, present, and future.
You choose your attitudes,
emotions, actions,
thoughts, and ideas
and thus create your own life.
It means you are the Master of your soul
and destiny.

Being your own 'god' does not
alleviate one from the fact we are
a soul, mind and body and must have
the right environment to survive and live and grow in.

So being a 'god' also means being in control of the
things you can be in control of and they are:
Your mind-ego, thoughts.
Your body-emotions, efforts-actions.
Your immediate environment-what and who is around you.

Outside of this 'control by you'
is completely volunteer.

Most men and women want to be a 'god' or come to Satan
because they crave or desire POWER, real POWER.

And Satanism is the answer to this psychic problem.

When we speak of being our own 'gods' this means we defy and denounce any god or God that would lord it over us without our consent.

This is what Satan meant when He said He is the ONLY GOD
and you can ONLY find Him on your own.


Do you have to be responsible for your actions?
No, but you will pay the consequences for not 
being responsible.

"For a man who will not rule himself,
Will be ruled by others." 

Don't be fooled,
being a true 'god' has 
more to do with 'no ego'
then a full-blown one.

Don't get me wrong here,
I never said, 'don't have an ego,
it is the matter of the right one.'

So there you have it in a nutshell.

Being your own god means making your own
decisions, not beating yourself up for screwing up or making a mistake,
{and you should be thinking this not the last one either}!

You are responsible for your actions and common sense
tells you being kind to people will get you more of 
what you want out of life than acting mean and cruel.

Being your own 'god' is fun!
You get to ride the horse and if he throws you off
a couple of time, you just get right back on him and take off, after all, who is smarter the horse or you?

When a person has real POWER he is naturally 'calm',
like the 'calm' before a storm.

Live Long, Live Right,
What's right for you to do.



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