Thursday, June 6, 2019



Though Satanism is NOT the opposite of Christianity, there are certain opposing factors that distinguish a SATANIST from a CHRISTIAN by far!

For one {and we do not speak for all Satanists} Satanists are of the night and the moon.

Christians are of the day and sun and we call them DAY-WALKERS, especially when they walk around in hot weather in hotter garments to conceal any notion of sex what-so-ever.  Almost all sex perversion comes from a 'person who thinks he is separate from God {The ETERNAL}' and is doing God's [hidden will] of being a sinner or being evil.

For example, the word 'Allah' means god. It is only in the English language the word 'god' was capitalized giving it a superior position among words.  Even in the original text of the Holy Bible, {And I know for I read it several times}, god is NOT capitalized for capitalization wasn't invented yet by English scholars.  Even today by 'PROPER ENGLISH' I MUST capitalize the words 'holy bible' which tricks the average mind easily unconsciously.

So Allah, {I got to capitalize this word too!} means 'god', and they say that this god is the One and Only and everything, that certainly includes EVERY Muslim and Christian and Orthodox Jew, is OUTSIDE OF ALLAH.  So we rightfully have to serve him, I mean Him.

Utter nonsense!

I have read the Quran several times, but more importantly, I have read many, many reviews of the Quran, by both Muslims and not, who are critical thinkers and true historians.

I can rightfully say, "IT JUST AIN'T SO!"

Allah which only means 'god' and that is why so many people like it, it is a universal name that can really mean anything you want it to mean.

But in the Koran, {I spell it both ways} we find that 'god' means the ABSOLUTE. And we know through religion and science, and any other means, that the ABSOLUTE is THE ETERNAL.

All gods invented by man are a reference to the ETERNAL or what is called ASAT.  It never moves, it never changes, it never was created or can be uncreated.

So we are Satanist and we INDULGE in this wondrous ETERNAL whatever, all we know is what we can perceive by our various psychic and physical and PSI devices.
But we are not compulsive.  Compulsive comes from a Perfect-man/sinner mentality and it is really schizo.
So Christians have to DENIE sometime {physical, how about the whole world, body, and mind?} to be good or holy or an outright 'I think I am superior asshole', but we are all prisoners of THE ETERNAL as long as you breathe, and then some.  It makes us all the same: HUMAN.  Even the ones who act like insane monsters to zealot crusaders.

We looooooovvvvvve LIFE and the WORLD and OURSELVES and we are WHOLE {not separated} for we know with much joy and laughter that SATAN is GOD, for all things are God THE ETERNAL.  Only THE ETERNAL can free Itself from Itself, THE ETERNAL.

Even the DEVIL, which is NOT Satan, works for God and thus for our good, inside and out!


Think Negative.  Create Problems.  Then realize WHO the Creator is and watch Paradise unfold around you!

"You change {your} world by changing yourself!  And it works that way for trying to change other people too!"

-Susej  {formally sos9999}.


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