Monday, June 25, 2018



There are at least 25 scriptures in the bible that deal with sex in the bible, that is if you leave out all the 'begats' and 'genealogies' of real people put in a fictitious book.

 A lot of these scriptures tell you those who commit 'immoral sex acts' shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and that men who have sex with men and those who have sex out of marriage can't go to heaven either.

Yet, the bible doesn't clearly describe what an immortal sex act is.

Sex crimes as they are called in the Bible carry the same punishment as those who are greedy, idolatrous, envious, and so on in many scriptures.

And the Bible goes on to say that God created us, male and female and for this reason, the male shall cleave to his wife and they become 'one flesh.'

'One flesh?'

How about 
'one mind?'

Now, with all the numerous rewrites and interpretations of the Bible, when it said that God created them male and female, this also could mean the 'feminine/masculine Principle' in the male and female bodies.

For if God made us in his image and likeness, that would mean that God made us as He is,
a Spiritual Being.

Not the flesh which is a by-product 
of Spirit.

What the Bible is saying is this:

God made man as man and woman as woman ONLY FOR MATRIMONY AND SEX THAT RESULT IN CHILDREN.

Any and all other sexual activities 

If you have sex outside of marriage, masturbation, same sex activities, and just even to THINK about sex is a crime subject to an eternity in hell.
All because I 'touched myself?'

Not only that,
Jesus the fake god tells us
that if we even have 
{the eclair of life stimulated sexually}
we are in danger of hellfire, buddy!

So, not only can you NOT have sex
outside of marriage,
{men having sex with men, adultery, and working on Sunday are all punishable by death in the Bible},
but even in marriage, the 'bedroom is undefiled' as long as you are having sex to have a child.
This is the ONLY kind of sex that God will allow.

This is the worst brainwashing of all.
The family unit, the basic unit of life is put on steroids and nobody knows the difference.

And not only that, but the Bible is actually based on the goddess Helena, who was the Nordic God of the Aryan race.
We really aren't under Jewish rule as the Aryan race would like for you think.  Helena, the goddess of the Aryan race adopt by India when India was under English rule, is only one of many goddesses created by man.  
 Helena went on to say that the Aryans were the superior race and this is again were racism enters the world and is promoted by the bible under the disguise of Jesus Christ, the only BEGOTTEN, or white god of all. 
To obtain 'sonship' {one with God} Helena said one must live a life of self-sacrifice and renounced sex.
There easy and better ways to obtain 'sonship' then this, but this has been and still is the Paradigm for our age.
It sucks big time and is at the base root for overpopulation and sex crimes.

Having children is NOT the paramount purpose of man and woman, only a major part of it.

Evil and I mean really evil People 
NEED people 
to run THEIR LAND,
{not yours' no matter what 
fancy car you drive or home
you  live in}, and they need
the next generation of 
'field workers'.
People 'pop' out babies with no idea would will care for them or if there will be future for them tomorrow, for we certainly or destroying it today but still having MORE babies as if we really need them.
It's almost like a chapter out of a science fiction comic were
 not-so-nice aliens are breeding slaves on earth to mine more gold or do their WILL all under the disquise of God's Will or Word.
Except the aliens are US!

It's a conspiracy, but no one will believe you.
Trying being a Black Satanist and saying it.

So, there you have it, the real beast of burden and 
the cause of all the woes on earth and in the mind dealing with sex and the ugly sex acts that come from 'hidden guilt'.
NOT having sex and self-sacrifice wins you the crown!
no sex unless marriage and having a baby.
Don't worry if you are dirt poor, raise the kid in poverty, fewer opportunities for work or living a decent life, and a fuck-up world you are helping to create.
Like  Hitler said,
It is more important to secure the future generations of our race then to fight the ills of today.
So fucking for children is a MUST!
Just like animals we are herd, bred, and put out to pasture to die now that the deed is done and make room for the next batch of ignorant 'field workers'!
Yeah, right!

So that even those brave enough to venture outside of 'God spoken word' he has problems.  He said he is sexual free but makes sex outside of marriage and a baby a PROBLEM.  God is always right, man is always wrong!
  He masturbates TOO MUCH. He thinks about sex ALL THE TIME.  He has weird sex fantasies of killing people during sex or having sex with dead people, animals, or even children.

All this comes from the programming that we can only have sex to have children.
And put this with the verse,
'be fruitful and multiply,'
you have a family, a race, a Country, a Continent, the whole fucking world FUCKING IN GOD'S NAME as if we are only breeding 'field workers' to take the place of the next generation of slave-workers for The Powers That Be.

To even say 'Over Population' is a joke today.
It is one of our biggest problem not seen by our programmed Jesus society.
To say it is a problem is to get you ostracized and cast out.

The family runs and rules the world.
But it is not a real family.
The divorce rate is proof of that.

We have automation, making automatic children, men, can you really call them that? Not even marrying the mother of the child, but they HAVE fulfilled God's Will or duty-intercourse only for a child.
Though we have millions here already, not properly clothed or feed.

But you are made to look the other way.
To be more concern about who is fucking who instead of who is fucking you!

Sure sex needs to be regulated and control, but how is that possible with the hidden guilt everything you touch yourself?

Stay Young.  Stay Strong.  Stay Gold.  Stay Satan {Smart}!


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