Thursday, June 7, 2018



AUM SAT TAT is the sound of the soul.It will automatically transport youto the higher worlds.

The reasons 'mantras' work is because of the brain thinks in terms of vibrations, not words unless the words vibrate.This is why music is soothing to us all,  it has more of a vibration than mere words and therefore stimulates the 'brain' {not the mind better.

Mantras did properly produce the frequencies that stimulate the neurons of the brain of which it is made up of some billion-trillion neutron cells.

The cells then create or produce an 'electric-chemo' charge that travels to other neurons in the form of 'information'.This is why most prayers are ineffective.It is not the words but the emotional charge orthe intensity of the prayer that gives it power, not God per say.

The same applies to black magick, it is not the words of the spells that produce results, the words are for your information, not the Spirit.It is the vibration or emotional tone of the person that gives him results.And since Christians and Muslims pray to an uncaring and indifferent Universe, the results can be anything from good to bad.

What works in the Spiritual and Psychic Worlds also works in the Physical World.This is one meaning of:"As Above, So Below."When one prays to Satan, he is 'praying' {telepathy} to his own Higher Power or Mind.

The Transcendental Satanist prays to that part of his mind that is unknown to him, yet he calls it SATAN as the whole, and it is filled with infinite knowledge that will be revealed to him in time for he has set up the proper conditions for this to happen.

This is true TELEPATHY,one mind talking to another mind,even if that mind is an extended or larger part of your 'limited mind', for we all have limited knowledge and Power.Our mind is our very best friend and perfect relationship.It is the 'perfect paradigm'.

A 'perfect paradigm'  is when the duality of the world and mind is seen as one thing.  

It is when the mind becomes an 'in sync' paradox instead of opposing dichotomies.AUM SAT TATrepresents the WHOLE of everything seen an unseen, moving and non-moving.

It is BRAHMA and beyond.AUMBringing air 'in'.SATHolding the air in.TATBreathing the air 'out'.

Not only do you breathe in air or oxygen, but you also breathe in prana which naturally 'connects' you to the Psi Sky or Spiritual World.

Stay Young.  Stay Strong.  Stay Gold.  Stay Satan!-sos9999


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