Saturday, April 20, 2019


Which Came First Chaos or Order?

This is really an easy question to answer but harder to believe.
Almost every child in America grew up with the 'belief' that
God created the heavens {Universe} and earth and that man was
placed in a{ordered} Garden of Eden where all he had to do
was have fun naming animals and plants and NOT disobey
God, The Garden Owner.

Well, you know the old story, Eve disobeys God because of a
talking snake that tells her God lied to her and they would NOT
die if they gained the Knowledge of the Gods which was to know
Eve then makes Adam 'sin' and
God gets piss and curses Eve, Adam,
the snake, and even the earth!

So, CHAOS is issued in and it is all man's fault.

Again, we see a God who can do no wrong and a
man {and woman} who can do no RIGHT!

At least not enough to please 'Ol Faithful here!

One would ask the rational question, 'If God didn't
want man to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, WHY
put it in the Garden in the first place?

That is like putting a steak in front of a
hungry dog and telling the dog
he is too never touch it.
Good Luck!

In order to 'save' a man, you must FIRST condemn him!

And that is exactly what the Bible does!  It condemns man even
BEFORE he is born, passed down from generation to generation.

This is why we 'condemn' the bible, written by man, it will
condemn us if we don't condemn it, and we are right to do so!

Transcendental Satanists are not concerned with TRUTH.

Everybody seeks 'The Truth' they already are or aspire to be.

Transcendental Satanists or The Sons Of Satan are interested
in FACTS.  Real FACTS, not imaginary ones.

So we find an"ordered place' that was made 'chaos' by God
for man and woman's mistake or sin and man is therefore
indirectly responsible for the CHAOS or 'sin' in the world and
therefore needs a savior.

My brothers and sisters, friends and lovers, this is THE DIVINE SET UP!

In science, which is the direct observation of the universe and world,
we find the Universe was ORDERED at the Big Bang and immediately
went into ENTROPY.

This means that CHAOS started at the moment of ORDERED CREATION
and it expanded, even as it is expanding today.

In short, the Universe created its own CHAOS and we have the fun or job
of putting it to ORDER again.

That is why roses have thrones, and NOT because God cursed it, or you.

CHAOS is just a natural order of the universe as DEATH is, but no one
wants to claim them.

It is the FALSE RESPONSIBILITY given to CHAOS when one tries to
tell you, you created it that can cause infinite GUILT and FALSE GUILT
at that.

Look at a jungle.
We go in there, smooth some land,
clear some forest {unfortunately}
build some roads and buildings,
houses and sidewalks and parks-
man mows his lawn, water his flowers-
that jungle is now a 
Paradise on Earth,
at least in the 
physical sense.


The CHAOS inherited in the earth.

FIRST CAUSE is ORDER immediately followed by ENTROPY {CHAOS}.
CAUSE is you putting ORDER to CHAOS.
EFFECT (s) is a Paradise on Earth.

RESPONSIBILITY is self-determined.

GUILT or being GUILTY is a judgment and sentence. Normally associated with
breaking the law.

are NOT the same thing,
though used interchangeably.

Original Sin is taking responsibility for the CHAOS in the world, something actually God did, and this results in FALSE GUILT, known to you as 'the sin of Adam' we ALL are STILL paying for so goes that stupid bible.

You should welcome CHAOS in your world and body and see it in your mind like a gigantic puzzle, with the pieces scattered everywhere.  As you put the pieces together that fit, you give ORDER to what was once CHAOS.  You don't have to do the whole damn picture, you only need two pieces that fit and the rest can remain, unknown, uncreated, unformed, and of no consequence until you are ready to continue the puzzle.

So, when you see so much that seems out of order and chaotic, don't threat and don't think you have to put it all back together again too.  Focus on yourself through the people you like or love.  Focus on yourself and your activities.

The world is going to hell and you have nothing to do with it and you don't have to go with it.

"Live Long, Live Strong."


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