Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Gayness and the Bible

A man can be gay and not follow the stereotype of what gay men and women are supposed to be.
Gayness though public acclaim is not as widely accepted as the media makes it out to be.
The media like the police are paid to KEEP THE PEACE.  The media does this by showing you images of a perfect world and the police do it by verbal or physical force.

The gay guy you see in the movies or TV is stereotyped to look, dress, act, and talk a certain way.  Mostly this is seen by acting like a girl or a caricature of a girl or a bully.

It has only been since the 1950's that Gayness was labeled as sane instead of insane behavior.

But the general populace of Gayness is still one of hate and not to be desired.

The main reason for this ultra-hatred and condemnation of Gayness is due to the Holy Bible.

A homophobic person is a person who hates and even tries to eliminate gays for he or she 'feels' that they might be gay or worse, God said it in his holy book and he feels it is actually doing God's will to hate gays to the point of disposing of them or harming them.

In fact, you will find that masturbation, fornication, adultery and homosexuality and sex perversions are all condemned in the bible.

In fact, in short, any sex that is not in a marriage that does not result in a baby is frown upon in the bible. Fornication and adultery are as punishable by death as homosexuality is.

 Sex in a marriage between a man and a woman with the results of having a baby is the only acceptable sex by Yahweh the Demiurge.  All other sex is not only taboo but a perversion of the body, mind, and soul.  Plus God will kill you for it.

The fact, we are to be children of God in one big holy family makes it incestuous to have sex with anyone without guilt.

Even regular sex is cursed and to have any variation in sex practice is to label you a pervert.

This works good and dandy if you are secretly trying to be a sinner.  A Catholic priest who rapes an innocent young man believing in a 'perfect Christ' is STILL doing God's will by being a 'sinner'
even to the praise of Jesus.  And in the end, he can still ask Jesus to 'forgive him' for all the irreversible damage he did, devil-man that he is!

It would surprise the heck out of most religious people if an Orthodox Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddha, or even a Scientologist said they were gay and proud of it!  Immediately an exorcist would be called or everything will be alright once we get that big, fact gay demon out of you!

Though you will find gay men and women in all these religions, they mostly suffer greatly from having to hide their true feelings and sexual activities.

The Bible condemns all sex acts that aren't in marriage to produce a new baby.

Yahweh needs and wants 'willing slaves' to worship and laud him for the next generation, and the next, and the next and the next, etc. That is His Will 'to be fruitful and multiply'. Regardless if you can take care of them or not or prepare them for the future with financial resources.  'Just fuck and grow fat!' I will do the rest, Yahweh said.

To think the only reason and purpose you have is to come into this world is to eat, sleep, poop, go to work, watch TV, sleep and produce offspring is a LIVING HELL unless one loves what is doing, and doing what one loves.

It would never dawn on a religious person that some people CHOSE same-sex attraction as a way of life.  They are not condemned, sex deprived, or over-sexed.  These men and women are gay for a variety of reasons that are not negative in nature though some are.

Most gay people carry a higher intelligence quota and creative ability than most heterosexual men and women.

Gay people tend to have more perceptive and intuition than the hetero male seeing how they don't suppress the feminine energies in themselves.

All males are born with female energies and all females are born with the male aspect of energy.

The ratio of this energy is sometimes not balanced and a guy can be too masculine or too feminine and a woman can be too male and too female.

This can result in mental or physical illness but is not necessarily the reason a person is gay or not.

One of the false reasons a person is a gay is when he or she hates 'daddy' or 'mommy' so much they can't have strong women or men in their lives so they become the opposite sex but not in a positive way.

Another way is when a person becomes gay as a way of hating themselves or not being themselves as a way of hating themselves.

An imbalance of hormones can make a man feel he is 'female in a male body' and vice-versa with a female.

A person is trying to be the opposite of 'being good' and wants to be an 'evil person' may use gayness as a way of demonstrating this.

Some positive aspects of gayness are:

A person 'feels' he is attracted to the same sex for sex and is OK with it. He or she accepts his or her feelings and protect them as such.

A person is a natural gay. And he acts like a natural boy or girl.

A person decides to be gay for it suits his or her lifestyle better or they like to be sexually free or experience all aspects of sexuality.

A guy or girl who is curious and experience a gay relationship but declines it, is not gay though they may have had sex with a same-sex partner.

A person who has fantasies about being gay is not necessarily gay either.  Experts have proven that genius play many fantasy sex roles WITHOUT THE DESIRE TO REPEAT THE ACT OR ACTS IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD.

For example, a woman may like to have sex with a football team of men all in one night, all desire her so bad they can think of nothing else and the show is on!  But in reality, she is more than satisfied with the love of her husband and friends and understands a sexual fantasy from true reality.

However, if a woman truly wanted to entertain a football team in a one-night orgy is also welcome to do so.  She should plan it with the right people, have role-playing and have fun as responsible, consenting adults.

The choice is hers even as it is yours.

To take choice away is to take freedom away.

And everyone is free to be free especially when it comes to sex.

Only consent, responsibility, and a dirty mind are all that is needed.

Live Strong.  Be Good. Have All.  Love All. Love yourself.  Love Satan.



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