Tuesday, January 29, 2019



Now the Druids dominated Europe from the Canaanites.
And they had many powerful symbols and signs.
These are the original DEVILS.  The ILLUMINATI today!


But before the white man was on the face of the earth, Africa, Europe, Asia, Russia, Australia was all one big continent, so when we say that the first man came out of Africa, Africa was just under what is called Europe today.  And Asia was to the right of it and what is called North America today was to the left of Africa.  This was before the earth's plates shifted over time and the big mass of land divided and drifted into separate continents which we named later.

So the first man and human species, not ape species, was a Black race.

In THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL, the complete scientific study of the DNA tracing "Y" {female chromsome} down the human chain line to a femur in Africa the oldest human fossil ever found so far is outlined.

The Black man evolved but not from apes, he evolved as he always was a human being just like you have the animal species, you have the human species, Though they may have the same Source they are not the same thing.

The myth man came from ape, I think, came from an error in Darwin's Evolution Theory, and evil white people have used it as a justification for slavery which meant making the Black man less than human. It is morally right to enslave an animal, not a man. Bullshit!  It is not even morally right to enslave an animal.

So you had this Black man walking around looking like Megella Gorilla but not quite the same.   Just like a bird is a different species from insects, the Black man was a different species than the ape-animal.

As the Black man evolved he lost his hair but the gorilla didn't.

And man lived in peace and harmony with one another.  There was no dissension, a few arguments, and jealousies, but all, for the most part, was simple mutual SURVIVAL.

You could say:


Even as it said in the bible, for the bible took truths from many sources and compiled them into two sections and one book and this is what is meant by the King James Version.  You should understand here that the bible was altered, changed, and corrupted to enslave man by now, not honor the freedom God already gave him or more exact, he inherited from Mother Nature.

We will get to God later when the Black man began to wonder about the constellations of the vast Universe, 'up there! and how it all came about."

So this was the Golden Era that the myth of the island of Atlantis came out of.  One o the major reasons that Hitler wanted to authenticate the myth of ATLANTIS is because whoever wrote it again, put white people as being here first and we were nearby on an island named LUMERIA.  Again, white supremacy has no bases if the white man came out of the so-called nigga.  Haaa!  It is a FACT many of them will never accept, calling it the Black Man's Myth.

Here is a lot of lost history of the Black man where he was Kings and Queens and had riches that would make even King Solomon look like a pauper.  We had inventions that today scientist thought had to be created by extraterrestrial beings they were so advanced. We discovered electricity by making carbon batteries and could determine if a woman was pregnant or not by peeing on certain herbs.  We went as far as Egypt and did wonders there also.

But something happened and I am not sure, it may be recorded somewhere, but all I know right now is that something big and horrible happened and the Black man began to split apart.


The Black man was of one SOUL and one Mind.
But the one Mind became many minds.


{This will be explained more in detail later.}

For everyone in their discovery of self and the world they lived in began to
form their own opinions and tell their own personal experiences.

The Divine Union and Ecumenical Unity of the Black man were disappearing.

Oh yeah!  Now I remember!

"For millions of years,
mankind lived just like the animals.
 And then something happened that released the 
Power of our imaginations...
We learne how to TALK!"
-Pink Floyd, Keep Talking

Now enter chaos and confusion and a host of other literal ills that started to divide the Holy  Bond of mankind at that time.

It was inevitable.

And with the talking, the migration.

Over the past 100,000 years or so, people migrated out of Africa in waves and spread out over the world. The waves of migrations left a pattern in their DNA because:
1) Each group that settled in a region from a particular wave was relatively small
2) Each group was isolated from the rest of humanity for a certain amount of time.
Because of this, each group developed their own pattern or profile of DNA changes. Scientists can now sequence the DNA of various racial groups and figure out what changes are found only within a certain racial group. Until recently, the racial groups that could be identified were restricted to Native American, East Asian, European, and sub-Saharan African. Further research has expanded the list of possible ethnic groups.

Look at the Tower of Babel which is a good rendtion of what happened per say.

The following is a CHRISTIAN VERSION of the Towel of Babel and how {TPTB} use it to keep the Black man from having a real IDENTITY and UNITY.  In short, they say the Black man has all men are curse for wanting to build a name for themselves and their people instead of worship some man or gold or wood or cloth or book as God.  God will not have this, He alone is to worship like a bad-tempered baby throwing a temper tantrum!

The Tower of Babel and the Scattering of Men

Genesis 11:1-9

God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to multiply and to fill the earth (Gen 1:28). After the flood, God repeated that same command to Noah and his sons (Gen 9:1).

Man was to fill the earth. We do not know how well man had spread over the earth prior to the flood. Presumably man was widely scattered.
However, after the flood many of the descendants of Noah and his sons fail to spread over the earth as they were told. Instead, they stay grouped together in one place. In addition, they hatch a plot to build a very high tower and to make a great name for themselves.
In this passage we see the hand of God. Many think that God does not intervene in human history. He just created us and then lets us do whatever we want.
Of course the flood itself disproves that.
But soon after the flood, in the Tower of Babel incident, we see more evidence that God has a plan for mankind, and He will indeed intervene when necessary to get men to do what He wants.
The Tower of Babel is really only a minor part of this story. The heart of the story is the dispersion of the nations that occurred at Babel. It shows that God opposes the proud and that God is able and willing to bring them down to accomplish His own purposes.


Evidently Gen 11:1-9 explains Genesis 10. That is, Gen 11:1-9 occurred before Genesis 10. Genesis often presents material thematically, out of normal chronological order.
These verses explain to the new nation of Israel (1440 BC) where all the world's nations and languages came from.
The whole earth spoke only one language. That makes sense. God created Adam and Eve with language. They didn't have to learn to speak. They were created as highly educated, articulate people.
Whatever language God gave Adam and Eve was passed from generation to generation. No new language would develop. Everyone could understand everyone.
Evidently that was God's original plan for man. But as a result of this new rebellion, this refusal to scatter and fill the earth, God is going to change the language situation in a big way.
The land of Shinar (see Gen 10:10 which mentions that Babel is in the land of Shinar), later in the OT, is another name for Babylon, and of course Babylon is related to the name Babel in the Tower of Babel.
Shinar is thus the place that became Mesopotamia or Babylon. This is to the east and slightly north of modern Israel. Today Shinar is called Iraq. Thus the place we've had troops for the past decade is where this passage occurs.
Verse 3 seems quite harmless. What is wrong with men making bricks and mortar?
The problem is not the action itself, but, as is often the case, the motive behind the action.
Verse 4 explains why they are making bricks and mortar. They want to build a city, which is fine in itself, and "a tower whose top is in the heavens." They want to "make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth."
But that is exactly what God wanted men to do. While certainly some families could stay put so that a given region had a reasonable population, banding together for the explicit purpose of keeping others from moving out, and of building a mega-population, was a clear violation of God's call.
And what was this "tower"? Most scholars believe it was a giant ziggurat. Indeed, one has been found in this region.
A ziggurat was a massive monument used for worship. Imagine a huge pyramid, but instead of it being pointed on top, it has a flat surface on top where sacrifices can be offered. The top was a temple.
By "the heavens" they probably mean the upper atmosphere. They intend to build something so massive that it would be an artificial mountain. My guess is the building was similar in height to the highest buildings on earth today.
Currently the world's tallest building is in Dubai and it stands 162 stories high, with a total height of 2,717 feet, or just over one half mile high.
Those in Shinar thought this way:
Greatest strength: unity.
Greatest fear: scattering.
Greatest desire: making a name for themselves.
Alan Ross, in his class on Genesis at DTS, suggested: "The sin of the Shinarites appears to be immense pride... Pride in the OT is much more than an arrogant attitude. It is open rebellion against God, an independence of God. Humility is often equated with trust and obedience. Their refusal to scatter and fill the earth was direct rebellion against God and the height of arrogance."
We will see shortly that what they fear the most is what actually happens, and they indeed make a name for themselves, but it is not the name they would have wished.


Verse 5 is a figure of speech since God is omniscient. God already knew what they were up to, and why they were doing it.
This may imply that the Lord Jesus actually came to Shinar in His preincarnate body to inspect what was going on.
There is irony here. Alan Ross points out: "No matter how high they climbed, it seems, the Lord still had to descend to view their human enterprise." This clearly shows how lofty God is and how our greatest aspirations fall far short of the glory of God.
Exactly what the end of verse 6 means is unclear: "Now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them." Probably this means something to the effect that if God does not intervene, if He lets them stay clumped in Shinar and build this tower and live together, then they will be able accomplish many things they wish to do, including making a great name for themselves, but which God does not want them doing.
God "decides" to intervene now rather than later. He knows this is the best way to deal with this rebellion.
Precisely what verse 7 means escaped my attention until I was preparing this article. What God did was not simply give the people of Shinar many new languages. Let's say there were 100,000 people and he gave them 25 different languages. But that is only half of what He did.
If that was all he did, they could still all communicate with their first language. Here is the other half of what God did: He took away their first language.
Of course, that had never happened before and it has never happened since.
Imagine what that must have been like. Let's say you are like me and you only speak English. Now imagine one day you lose the ability to speak or understand English, but you now speak and understand Chinese. And the people down the street now speak Arabic, but not English or Mandarin. Your back yard neighbors now speak French, but not English or Mandarin or Arabic. Your neighbors on the next block over speak Swahili, but not any other language. People all over your town speak 20 or more different languages, but no one speaks or understands English any more. What would happen? You would gather together with the people who speak your new language and all of you would form a new community. If you lived in the world after the flood where the whole earth was open to colonization, you would go with the people of your language and pick a land and populate it.
The people who spoke Old Chinese went to what is now called China. The people who spoke Egyptian went to Egypt. The people who spoke Greek went to Greece. And so on.
God got the people to do what He wanted by confusing their languages.
This is an example of the balance between God's sovereignty and man's free will. God allows limited free will. Both individually and collectively God is at work behind the scenes to see to it that we do not veer too far from His plan. He allows lots of freedom and lots of iniquity, but there are limits.


Verse 8 might be presenting the results of what God did in confusing the languages. Or it might be presenting a separate point.
Either way, God caused men to do what He wanted, to fill the earth, to scatter, and to cover the planet.
He also wanted them to stop building the mega city they were building. And stop they did.


The city is called Babel "because the Lord confused the language of all the earth" (Gen 11:9). Babel is from the Hebrew word that means confusion.
The name Babel reminds us that we should fulfill God's commands. A failure to do so will result in consequences, possibly quite painful. In this case mankind lost the ability to communicate with each other. Suddenly there was a language barrier that had never existed before.
Remember what the people in Shinar wanted the most: to make a name for themselves. Well, in a sense they did. But the name they made was not a glorious one like they had wished. Instead the name they made was Babel, confusion. How would you like to be called confusion.
They were united. Yet they were united in opposition to God.
They feared being scattered. Because they rebelled against God, their greatest fear was realized.
They desired to make a great name for themselves. They made one all right, but not the one they wanted.
If Adam had not sinned, then the Garden of Eden would still be here and there would have been no curse on the earth. No one would have died.
If the sons of God had not intermarried with the daughters of men, then there would have been no flood and no great drop in lifespan. People would still be living 800 to 900 years.
If the descendants of Noah had not decided to clump together in Shinar, if they had scattered over the earth, then there would be only one language on earth today, not hundreds.
Rebellion leads to judgment and curses from God. Obedience results in blessings from God. Why not pick blessings?


1. Israel was called out of the nations to be God's chosen people, His theocracy. Alan Ross points out that if like those in Shinar "they lifted their head in pride and rebelled against God...then they too would be scattered ac786iross the face of the earth." Of course, that is exactly what happened.
2. The separation of peoples into nations is not a bad thing inherently. If they had done this willingly, they would have had one language and none of them would have had the name Babel.
3. God works behind the scenes to get us to do what He wants.
4. We do not have total free will. We have limited free will.
5. God opposes the proud. Those who exalt themselves above God will be put down.
6. God judges disobedience, even if we think He does not.
7. God sees all. We cannot hide from Him.
8. God's plans will ultimately be accomplished, with or without man's obedience.
9. We should look forward to the New Earth in which there will be true unity. Though there will be many nations, most likely we will all speak and understand one language. We will return to the way God intended. We will all worship not in an artificial mountain, the Tower of Babel, but on a real mountain, the New Jerusalem.
10.Until the Lord returns, true unity of the nations is highly unlikely. Allen Ross notes: "The United Nations has often been seen as a lengthening shadow of Babel."


Given a chance to start over after the flood, man quickly got way off track. They rejected God's command to fill the earth.
Of course, most people don't want to leave where they grew up and move to some new place, but that was God's command. Thus families should have been pushing out and starting new communities and new nations until eventually all of the inhabitable lands were colonized.
In a sense these people moving out would have been missionaries, taking the message of life to new locations. Unfortunately, this did not happen voluntarily.
The story of Babel is ultimately a story about the futility of rebelling against God. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. It is Jesus' name we should seek to exalt, not our own. If we seek to make a name for ourselves by rebelling against God, we will find that the name we obtain is more like Ichabod (Hebrew = Inglorious) than Glory.
It always pays to obey God; it never pays to disobey Him.

I never have seen a story so manipulated to say what the writer wants it to say in history.

You see, man doesn't read the bible he follows the Pope or the fool in the pulpit who has to feed his family as the Pope has to feed the Illuminati.
As you can see God is pissed that mankind or the Black man has made a Name for himself and not God.  And they made a tribe of themselves and needed not God.


Yahweh manipulates the naïve, infantile, gullible, human race, by planting in them, the notion that He is the Almighty God, to usurp the Almighty's role, to control our world. Yahweh took over the leadership of the 'Falling Angels' group from his father, Lucifer El Elyon. Yahweh is evil personified, he is Satan from the depth of Hell, and he has been in control of our world for over 3,000 years, and particularly, since he adopted Moses as his agent/mouthpiece on Earth.

In the year 4,000 BCE, an aggressive faction emerged from within the Extraterrestrial Anu race that cloned us, to try to fast-track human development by placing emphasis on the acquisition of technical skills to the detriment of the spiritual. Ancient records confirm that in 4,000 BCE, a supernova explosion occurred that was of great significance to the world because it heralded the arrival and visit of the leader of the alien visitors, God Anu, (the ancestor of the Blacks, and therefore of mankind), to the captain of his spaceship on earth, El Elyon.

The team on earth fell out of favor with God Anu, their leader, during the visit, because it was teaching humans, our current evil ways, and sleeping with our daughters, to beget giants, as claimed in the Bible.

This angered their leader, God Anu, causing the El Elyon rebels to be declared outcasts from 'Heaven,' their natural planetary home.

The 'Falling Angels' were kicked out of heaven. The term used in religious circles is 'The Fall.' Another reference to the fall is, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.” - Isaiah 14:12.

“…..It is claimed that, after Lucifer fell from Heaven, he brought with him eir the power of thinking as a gift for mankind….” Read Fred Gittings in Symbolism in Occult Art. 'The Fall’  led to the emergence of threspective earth representatives,

Gods Ausar/Heru for God Anu, and Seth for Lucifer El Elyon.

The success and popularity of Pharaoh Ausar from about 4100 BCE, around the world created envy in his junior brother Set (Seth), who with 72 others, conspired to have Ausar killed.

Seth gave the notion of the devil, (or Seth), to the world. Seth deceived Ausar at a party, (which Seth had arranged, and they were all having a good time), to test his body shape in, unknown to Ausar, his carefully made to measure (body-shaped) coffin. Others tried to fit in before Ausar but it did not fit them since it was shaped to fit Ausar alone. Seth quickly nailed and soldered the coffin with Ausar in it, and had it thrown into the River Nile under the cover of darkness. Of course, Ausar died from suffocation thus ending the era of peace, prosperity and harmony in the world.

Auset was devastated by the sad news of what happened to her brother and husband, and could not be consoled. She vowed not to rest until she found the body of her beloved husband. While Auset, with a lock of her hair cut off, and wearing mourning clothes, combed the delta region of the Nile in search of Ausar's body, Seth usurped the throne and unleashed a reign of terror on the land and people of Khemit and the world. Landowners became tenants, employers became employees.

Divine laws were repealed and law and order broke down everywhere.

Robbers, sexual perverts, assassins, reigned supreme.

Seth did not respect his own laws. Auset, hiding from Seth's wrath, became a fugitive in the swamps of Lower Khemit. She eventually found Ausar's coffin in Byblos, a port city in Southern Syria. The king of Southern Syria had appropriated it. The queen of Southern Syria persuaded the king to let Auset have the chest.

Auset wrapped the body of Ausar in linen anointed with myrrh, and took it back to Khemit where, according to Pyramid texts 632 and 1636, and murals at Abydos and Philae, she caused wind to raise Ausar's dead phallus, and sat on it to receive his seed to conceive Heru.

This is the origin of the 'Virgin Birth in the world, (i.e. the Ghost of God Ausar, impregnating human Auset).

Heru as an adult was encouraged by his father's worshippers to take back the throne of Khemit from Seth. The war was bitter and many of Heru's followers were slaughtered at Edfu. Heru eventually defeated Seth and handed him as a prisoner to the Queen mother Auset to execute judgment.

She let Seth go free on the grounds that they were a family. Ausar's body was mummified and the ceremony of 'Opening the Mouth' was performed by Tehuti, Auset, and Heru, which brought Ausar back to life. This is the origin of resurrection in all religions.

Ausar was crowned Judge and king of the Dead, (the origin of God sitting in judgment over the dead), and Heru became the king of the living.

Moses was an incestuous child. Obviously, Pharaoh Seti I and his daughter (around 1300 BCE), contrived the abandoned baby in basket scenario, to avoid incestuous stigma, and create the opportunity to look after Moses, their son, in the palace. He went into the Lodge, (the Mystery System), at age 7 and could not have come out until aged 47, because it required 40 years to train as a priest in all the disciplines. It appears Moses first preached his adaptation of Akhnaton's religion to his people, the Egyptians, and found few followers. He then turned to the Hebrews who were more receptive especially after Moses had killed one of his own, (an Egyptian), in defense of a Hebrew.

Moses, at about the age of 47, ran away from his father, Pharaoh Seti I, for committing murder. His brother Aaron ran away with him because he was charged with stealing from the Pharaoh's treasury. Moses escaped to the Midianites on one of the Sinai hills for succor, protection, and witchcraft powers, against his imaginary pursuers.

Midianites were Ethiopians, worshipping a number of Deities or Gods, the principal one being El Elyon, who the Bible claimed was Lucifer.

The Midianites' chief priest was called Jethro, considered to be a father of witchcraft because of his spiritual prowess and awesome cult. Moses ended up spending some 20 years in the desert with Jethro, who initiated Moses into his cult and gave Moses one of his daughters in marriage. The marriage was blessed with two children.

All three, (wife and two sons), are lost to Jewish history, because they did not fit into later Jewish religious politics.

Moses said it was El Elyon, who divided nations (of the world), and shared them among the gods, (or sons of God). That the nation, allotted by El Elyon to Yahweh, (a junior deity, or son of Lucifer El Elyon), was Israel. Give ear O heavens, and I will speak and let the earth hear the words of my mouth. Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations, ask your father and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you. When El Elyon, (the Most High), gave to the nations their inheritance. When he separated the sons of men he fixed the bounds of the peoples, according to the number of the sons of God. For Yahweh's portion is his people, Jacob (Israel), his allotted heritage.

Moses himself claimed that his Midianites' deity gave his name as YHWH pronounced as Yahweh, and that El Elyon, the chief of the Midianites'

deities was the father, and therefore superior to Yahweh. Moses said Yahweh introduced himself as the god of, (his followers), the Hebrews.

Moses could not have used capital letter 'G' in God, for Yahweh, because he knew that that was reserved for Lucifer El Elyon. Yahweh proudly called himself a tribal god. Moses claimed that Yahweh said:

“I'm the god of your fathers, the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac, and the god of Jacob,” Exodus 3:6,15. Notice that god Yahweh, did not say he was the 'God' of mankind, or even of the Africans, who in the guise of the Midianites, first brought his cult into being.

Yahweh unleashed mayhem on Egypt for rendering Moses a fugitive outcast on the run. Yahweh sent Egypt a plague of blood. “…He struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was changed into blood. The fish in the Nile died and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water. Blood was everywhere in Egypt,” Exodus 7:20,21. Then he sent plagues of frogs, Exodus 8:6; gnats, Exodus 8:16; swarms of flies… 'I will make a distinction between my people and your people,' Yahweh said, Exodus 8:22,24; '…. livestock on the field……your horses and donkeys and camels and cattle, sheep and goat'

(whatever these animals did to upset this tribal God), 'I will make a distinction……so that no animal belonging to the Israelites will die,'

Exodus 9:4. Yahweh plagued Africans with boils … that were on them

and on all the Egyptians, Exodus 9:10. “……by now I could have struck you with a plague that would wipe you off the earth……to show you my power… (I wonder if the 'Universal' God needed to boast about showing his power). …….by this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm that has ever fallen on Egypt,” Exodus 9:13-19. So Yahweh sent the plagues of locust, Exodus 10:13; of darkness, Exodus 10:21, and finally of firstborn, Exodus 11:5. The true 'Universal' God of Creation would not have been so vindictive and merciless against his own creation.

Yahweh claimed to hate the Amorites, Philistines, Canaanites, Jebusites, (all Blacks), and Hittites (Whites), and the rest of mankind, and threatened to wipe them off the face of the earth so as to give their land to his children, the Israelites.

Yahweh was not only prepared to dispossess others of their properties for the Hebrews, he encouraged his adopted children to indulge in stealing and other immoral acts. Towards the end of the Hebrew's 400 years sojourn in Egypt in 1230 BCE, when they had grown in number to be a sizable percentage of the population, Moses was already some 70 years old. On the eve of the Hebrews' departure from Egypt, after failing to overwhelm the Pharaoh with a series of plagues, including the killing of every first born of men and animals, (Exodus Chapters 7-11), he ordered the Hebrews to slaughter innocent babies, old men and women, found in the captured city. Do not “spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant, and suckling,” (I Sam, 15:3).

Moses, being an Egyptian priest who rebelled against the established religion of his people, was not missed when he finally emigrated with his followers from Egypt through the Sinai desert in 1230 BCE. The period experienced a lot of migrations in and out of Egypt, anyway. The Bible says that 600,000 men left with Moses, which according to Haushoffer, meant a total of 3,154,000 men, women, and children, all Black, from being Canaanites and crossbreeding with African Egyptians.

To an offense by the Hebrews in the wilderness, Yahweh threatened:

“Let me alone that my wrath may burn hot against them, and I may consume them, (Exodus 32:10). Moses begged him not to, because Egypt would use it to mock him. He changed his mind and allowed peace to reign until his children were discouraged by the report of the spies sent to survey the land promised them. Yahweh threatened again to kill all the Hebrews in the wilderness. Moses again persuaded him against the action, like one would do to a five-year-old child. “Now if thou does kill this people as one man, then the nations who have heard thy name will say, because the Lord was unable to bring this people into the land he swore to give to them therefore he has slain them in the wilderness, (Numbers 14:15).

When Moses himself annoyed Yahweh by striking the rock two times rather than speak to get water, as Yahweh had instructed, there was no one to intervene for Moses this time. Yahweh vowed he would only allow Moses to see the 'Promised Land' with his eyes from a distance and not to enter it. People saw him die, but could not account for his body. Yahweh killed Moses and apparently appropriated his body for his extraterrestrial race experiments. General Joshua took charge and led the Exodus from about 1220 BCE. Only 2 original Egyptian Jews, out of the over 3 million that left Egypt with Moses, arrived in 1190 BCE, along with the Jews born en-route, to the 'Promised land,'

The Jews sold Devil Yahweh as God to Europe, who went around the world selling the idol as the Almighty God, at gun point, while describing their victims as idol worshippers, and littering their civilization with a trail of blood. They unleashed unprovoked invasions of other nations, slaughtering women, men and children, in their thousands, in the name of Yahweh. The crusades, the slave trade, the massacre of American Indians, the first and second World wars, apartheid, the on-going slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, and the mindless forfeiture of lives of thousands of unlucky youths, Black and White, in civil wars around the world, litter Western civilization.

Organized religions seem to know this; definitely the Pope and other Church leaders know that the Hebrews sold them a devil to worship.

They claim that Satan brought evil to mankind, and their Holy book is not ambiguous about who the devil is. The Bible proudly describes Yahweh as Satan, meaning, that Pope Benedict XVI or his successor, is the earthly representative of the 'Devil,' and that the Vatican is another name for the Devils' Den (or conclave).

Yahweh the perfect being, did all of the following: He created evil (Lam. 3: 38, Jer. 26: 3, Ezek. 20: 25 – 26, Judges 9: 3, 1, Sam. 16:

23, 18: 10); He deceived (Jer. 4: 10, 15: 18, 20: 7, 2, Chron 18: 22, Ezek. 14: 9, 2Thess. 2: 9 – 12); He told people to lie (Ex. 3: 18, 1Sam. 16: 2); He lied (Gen. 2: 17, 2Sam. 7: 13); He rewarded liars (Ex. 1: 15 – 20); He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25: 27); He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov. 26: 10); He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19: 14); He spread dung on people's faces

(Mal.2: 3); He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39: 10, Ex 3: 22); He made false prophesies (Jonah 3: 4, Gen. 5: 10); He changed his mind (Jonah

3: 10); He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12: 11 – 12); He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1: 2, 3:1 – 2); He killed (Num. 16: 35, 21:

6, Deut. 32: 39, 1Sam. 2: 26, Psalm 135: 10); He ordered killing (Lev. 26: 7 – 8, Num. 25: 4 – 5); He had a temper (Deut. 13: 17, Judges 3: 8); He was often jealous (Deut. 5: 9,6: 15); He wasn't omnipresent (Gen. 4: 16, 11: 5, 1Kings 19: 11 – 12); He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8: 2, 13: 3, 2Chron. 32: 31); He often repented ( Ex. 4: 22 – 23, Joshua 22: 20, Rom. 5: 12); He played favorites ( Deut. 7: 6, 14: 2, 1Sam. 12: 22); He sanctioned slavery ( Ex. 21: 20 – 21, Deut. 15: 17); He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21: 16 – 23).

He punished a bastard for being illegitimate (Deut. 23: 2); He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3: 16, 20: 18); He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12: 29, 20: 5, Deut. 5:

9); He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6: 10, John 12:

39 – 40). He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22: 29 – 30, Ezek. 20:

26); He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19: 9); He demanded virgins as a part of war plunders (Num. 31: 31 – 36); He ordered gambling (Joshua 14: 2, Num. 26: 52, 55 – 56); He ordered horses to

be hamstrung (Joshua 11: 6). He sanctioned a violation of the enemy's

women (Deut 21: 10 – 14); He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21: 20 – 21); He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22:

28: 29); He taught war (Psalm 144: 1); He ordered the burning of human faces to cook food (Ezek. 21: 3 – 5); He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20: 25); He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers (Hosea 4: 14); He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4: 8 – 15); He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38: 9 – 10); and He is indecisive ( Gen. 18: 17).

No criminal in the history of the world has a record to match Yahweh's sins.

Ingersoll's Works in (Some Mistakes of Moses) says: “A false friend, an unjust judge, a braggart, a hypocrite and tyrant, sincere in hatred, jealous, vain and revengeful, false in promise, honest in curse, suspicious, ignorant, infamous and hideous – such is the God of the Pentateuch. Thomas Paine in (The Age of Reason) says: “All our ideas of the justice and goodness of God revolt at the impious cruelty of the Bible. It is not God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes. Thomas Paine in (The life and Works of): “A book so full of contradictions and wickedness could not be the Word of God and …we dishonor God by ascribing it to him.”

The Bible goes further to tell us that Satan Yahweh was daft too. He had no fore-knowledge of things that would happen in future, nor could he foresee the consequences of his action.

Often he was sorry after the event turned out to be contrary to his expectation. Yahweh could not foresee Saul disobeying him after making Saul king of Israel. “I regret having made Saul king for he has turned away from me and has not carried out my order,” (I Sam 15: 10.11). Saul's problem was his refusal to go to the city of Amalek to destroy everybody and everything he found there, adult humans, babies, animals, etc.

Yahweh saw that the wickedness of 'man' was great on earth, and that the thought of his heart fashioned nothing but wickedness all day-long.

“I will rid the earth's face of man, my own creation (Gen. 6: 5-7).

But it was Yahweh that taught humans to be wicked. Yahweh killed Uzzah for trying to prevent the 'Ark of God from falling down when the oxen carrying it stumbled. No sane person would kill for such a reason but gods are probably not governed by mere rationality. “And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and 'God' smote him there because he put forth his hand to the Ark, and he died there besides the Ark of God,” (2 Sam 6:6-7). There are many more incredible passages in the Bible, some describing their Supreme Deity as a ruthless, blood thirsty, arrogant tyrant.

Yahweh's Church was established on such cruel and inhuman bobby-trap cushion of thorns, laced with monumental narrowness of mind, maintaining the impossible to be true, and insisting that the records they present were divinely inspired. What sane people find difficult to fathom, however, is why, after admitting that Yahweh is Satan, the Church is still deceiving the world that Lucifer's son, Jesus, anointed as the chosen son by his father, Satan Yahweh, is a saint.

Church goers seem confused about the following seemingly contradictory Bible statements: Matthew 28:18 Jesus says: "All power is given to [me] in heaven and [in earth]," and in I John 5:19 Yahweh God says:

"The whole world in [under control] of the [evil one]." The truth is that, Satan Yahweh and his Bible have been consistent that Jesus, the son of Devil Yahweh, is not a saint. Jesus himself claims: in Luke.

12: 51-53, that he came to the world not to bring peace but to cause division and discord among people.

The Church fathers have obviously been trying to be too clever by half and they have gotten away with their lies for nearly 2000 years. Their elite think tank and warrior cult for Jesus is called the Jesuit, and Jesuit means a person who makes clever secret plans to deceive people.

The Bible is the greatest, all-encompassing, most devastating, con document, in the history of the world. It has succeeded in bringing the human race down to the knees, begging Yahweh endlessly 24/7 not to be wiped off the face of the earth.

By 1955, mutilated human and animal bodies were being picked up
around the USA. Also, there was strong indication that the aliens were manipulating masses of people through secret societies, religions, witchcraft, and occult.

It seemed too that the aliens were interacting with the Soviets, in violation of their treaty with the United States of America. To examine the evidence and unravel the truth, President Eisenhower, under secret Executive Memorandum NSC55 11, in 1954, commissioned Project Quantico. Quantico Marine Base was where the study group first met and they adopted their name from it. Well-known international figures among the 35 members of the group included, Dr. Henry Kissinger and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as Study Directors. Gordon Dean was Chairman, and David Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study. Rockefeller later built a secret retreat, code-named the Country Club, for the group.

The retreat could only be reached by air. When the aliens were confronted with the Quantico group's findings, they said their genetic structure was deteriorating and that their action was necessary for their survival as a race.

They also said that they (aliens), created us through genetic engineering and continued manipulation in a laboratory, and that they had been controlling us through religion, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, and the occult. Project Quantico publicly wound up in 1956, and in 1957, Henry Kissinger submitted the group's findings, camouflaged under the titled, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, to the President. The report confirmed that the aliens were definitely using humans and animals for hormonal and glandular secretion, blood plasma, enzymes, and possibly in genetic experiments.

On the issue of witchcraft and the Fatima prophecy, the link between the Church and the Secret Societies as cunning devises to perpetrate alien hegemony on the world was made manifest. Fatima experience was a mask.
The report warned that the alien presence must not be revealed because this would lead to economic and religious collapse, national panic, and anarchy.

Yahweh threatened to burn the earth down if Russia refuses to accept Jesus Christ and capitalism. Yahweh has declared war without end on Islam, for partially accepting him and totally rejecting Jesus. He insists that the whole world must dance to the tune of Jesus Christ, while at the same time admitting to me that Jesus and all modern religions are fake contraptions by him. (See 'The end of knowledge,' page 625.)

Perhaps it should be noted here that this group of aliens, (whose leader is Yahweh, like our elite, the American government and the Pope, controlling our lives, have no respect for the vows and agreements they reach with the Gentiles. While Yahweh is busy on several fronts, trying to destroy the human race and the world, he has turned the earth into a zoo, and humans, not only into ninnies, but the dumbest and easiest animals in his zoo to programme. Humans have stopped using their brains, leaving thinking entirely to the Bible and other religious books, and since the Yahweh we have surrendered our lives and everything else too, is the devil himself, is it any wonder that our world today is a chaotic mess, a heavily mined war field, the hell's inferno, with Satan's home, at the Bermuda Triangle, at hell's depth.

The world is in a mess because its lie-based religions and fault-ridden devilish God thrives on endless mayhem. History of the world is degraded by monumental falsehood, and Yahweh's sponsors'

policies and programmes are notorious for dare-devil thievery, exploitation, and deep-rooted bigotry. All that Yahweh has to show for his rule in the last two thousand years, for instance, are ghoulish experiences from attritional, internecine and fratricidal wars.

The Hellenistic, Persian and Holy wars, the 1st and 2nd World wars, the
1000 years war, Vietnam and the Middle East wars, the American Civil wars, the Burundian and the Peloponnesian wars etc, all apparently designed to decimate the human race. The world has become so soulless and caught up in the web of hate, spiritual and physical disunity and frustration that going gay has become the swan song as a means of wiping out the human race quickly.

There is no love lost between family members on the one hand or between them and their neighbors. Syrian leader extinguishes lives of thousands of innocent fellow citizens to cling to power and rule over corpses. Countries go to war over even just one inch of dirt track borderland.

Nature cannot be deceived for too long; climate change is a veritable symptom of modern civilization's decaying process. The pretty bubbles have begun to explode in our faces.

Mankind is already catching hell here on earth as it is.

With Yahweh's Church fathers' Western economies collapsing; governments and institutions moribund; populations aging dangerously (with less than 20% below age 16) and marrying same-sex or dogs; they have obviously booked their one-way tickets out of existence, and cannot be trusted with writing the Bible for the living. They have run out of ideas if they ever had any but lies. If they tell you to run, standstill, and if they say eat, starve.

We must break out of their suicidal cocoon and save them against themselves because as in origin, so now, the future of the human race is the responsibility of the African as the firstborn, to restore, repair, nurture, and guide, to holistic and robust fulfillment for all of the human race.

God gave us this planet as a Garden of Eden.  We were to care for it as we care for all of mankind.
We were to share it and control its elements and procure them for our better Health, Wealth, Love, Joy, Power, Wisdom, Abundance, Prosperity and Peace.

These God-like qualities are very natural to NATURAL MAN. There is nothing man has to do to be 'saved' {know himself} but to sit and BE.

The Kingdom of God within you is also without you.  This means that God Eternal Abode is intimately involved in Nature and mankind and man, and God is transcendental to all simultaneously.

The real Jesus or Yeshua came to LIBERATE man and mankind, not SAVE him.
Jesus {Yeshua} had no reason to 'save' the Black man. He was not born a 'sinner', he was born a god.
 He was already born free, the original Sons Of God.
 yes, He was born an original Son of God or Son of the Sun.

But before the Son of God were in the world, there were the early AFRICANS who were on the earth when SATURN was so close to the earth it was worshipped as THE SUN OF THE EARTH.


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