Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Satanism and Spiritual Enlightenment

Today you hear the term:
"I am spiritual but not religious."
So, I am sure this means a lot of different things to a lot of different people,
but in terms of Satanism, the 'I am not religious' part means just that
We don't endorse any religion that seeks to control and enslave people.
If any religion claims to have a God that is superior to Satan, 
you can blow them away, there is no such thing.
All religions are man-made.

They are NOT ideas about 'man' by God,
but ideas about 'God' by man.

And this can easily lead to enslaving and controlling people,
especially masses of people.

And it works well.  Too well.
Mankind has been enslaved by religion for over 
2000 years and it's growing.

Christians and Muslims are trying to be one thing, their God, 
rather it is Allah or Jesus Allah or Jesus.

They are not 'One with the Supreme' as 
Transcendental Satanists are.

And for this reason, we do not seek to be 'one', 
but have fun playing many, many roles.

The world is a stage and 'others'
just 'green' actors and actresses upon it.
They have no idea about the 
Potential of Power within you.

Don't look outside yourself for reality.
You create or destroy your own reality.
Don't look to others to do what 
you know you must do for yourself.

Spirituality is first of all not Spiritism which is 
the false religion of bringing back the dead or talking to the deceased.

People are fooled into this every day simply because they don't know 
the real meaning of death.
Death means one has NO CONSCIOUSNESS.
You are not conscious of anything and if you were,
you wouldn't be dead.

than being fully alive would be
and that is what SPIRITUALITY is really about.
You, not being your body or your mind become

This s what is meant by 

Religion seeks to make you obey by fear and suffering.
Satanism seeks to live his life free of lies and mysterious illusions.

Stay Young.  Stay Strong.  Stay Gold.  Stay Satan [smart}.


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