Wednesday, August 1, 2018



The only acceptable sex in the bible is being married and having a baby. It is the 'be fruitful and multiply' bullshit, for The Powers That Be, which is only 1% of the rich people's population who have all the money, and make all the rules-they want you to 'do family', have babies, think you are going to heaven after you live a life of suffering and pain working at a shitty job, barely enough to feed your 'increasing' family, and then you die and let your kids do it all over again and they take your money and laugh as you work yourself to death, buying the stuff they make , you think will make you better or more important, and you suffer and die for them all in the name of Jesus [their leader} and God [their imaginary power]. 

In short, America and the world has always been FUCKED and not having kids in a marriage makes you a PREVERT from touching yourself, masturbation, and gay sex. People pervert sex being a sinner and that gives all sex a bad fucking name. The Bible is for ignorant people who can't discriminate {think on their own and they use the bible to condemn you to 'save you' to their false and unreal Jesus, kept real by people's own psychic power of 'believing' which is 'creating something {Jesus, unicorns, dragons, talking snakes, gods and God} out of nothing. But they don't know they are programmed-their imagination is captured by the real devil Jesus. And they 'give' their 'souls' to him freely-no selling involved. Have a Great Satanic Day. 

Making 'sex' the 'original sin on earth', {Pride is the one in heaven, wanting to be like God, or thinking one is equal or one with God, which is the real Truth in the first place and what I try and teach my brothers, friends, and lovers}.
By making sex a sin except for reproduction is decreasing and limiting man and mankind to that of an animal.
He comes into the world, eats, breeds, and dies.
The Bible, tells you, you are a material being, and an evil material being at that or that you are evil for being a material being. 
But you are as much a material being as you are a  Spiritual Being {SP}.
And there is nothing wrong with being a material person thought the world might hate you for your worldly success and the great 
material possessions you own.
Jesus is a eunuch.
He is only made real by those who 'make him real' by their psychic power of 'believing'.
Same as you did as a kid, but you knew it then.
It was called, 'pretending to be something good {or bad} that you are not.

Not having sex is the holy way of Christians and almost all stupid religions to reach God, or be part of the Divine.
All Religions are a 'Do and Don't' philosophy.
But a holy book tells you what to do and not or face dire consequences.
This is FEAR, not love.

"The Holy Ghost is NOT the Holy Spirit."

Having sex in a fun, meaningful way is the way of the Satanists, and the more the better.

Sex is easy and you need not be al weirded out to enjoy it outside of marriage or not having a fucking baby.
But it must be between two consenting adults who agree on the sex act in question.  Anything less than that is wrong, for you have no right to disturb the psychic space of another if they don't want you in it. 
This applies to being together and conversations also.

Children are not made for sex, and animals can't consent so leave them out.

There is so much more to this, but the main point of this post is to let you know why all sex in the Bible condemns and you don't have to act or be a pervert to enjoy sex out of the mainstream way.


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