Monday, July 23, 2018


Lucifer: Son Of The Morning

We find that the name LUCIFER was actually the son of Jupiter and Jupiter was equated with the planet Saturn who was known as THE SUN or THE GOD OF THE SUN or THE CREATOR OF THE SON.

Lucifer was always known as the one who brought the Light to the Universe, the world, and man.  The Light to man is known as WISDOM and DIVINE WISDOM.

Lucifer is also the light of the moon for He is the Light of the Light and the Light in the Darkness.

It is because of the Light of Lucifer that every man no matter what color his skin or what Nationality he is, where he came from or where he is going, have 'some knowledge of God' within them.

Lucifer was never a name identified with the Devil and in fact, Jesus even said in the book of Revelation: 'I am the bright and morning Star'.  This is the title of Lucifer and it has been proven that 666 is the number of the beast, man, and Jesus Christ showing he is truly the Devil incarnated.  

"God was never a man, but the Devil was!"


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