Thursday, June 14, 2018


Overcoming Anger

Anger is caused by not getting what you want or loss.
A person doesn't respond to your love 'the way' you like.
A man shows you no respect.
Another person is just rude.
You lose your wallet.
You lose your loved one.
Yo didn't get the job you applied for.
You didn't get the money due you.
You lose some hair.

Therefore 'anger' is a reaction to something you DISLIKE.
 'And anger' is a reaction or an expression of dislike 
for someone or something, or someplace.
Or an action/inaction or reaction.
Choices by a PSI BEING are for making decisions about ACTIONS you do.
Not what others do, think, or pretend to be.
Likes and Dislikes are merely opinions about something, someone, someplace, some situation, or some action.

In order to conquer your anger, you need to disregard your

Learn to keep the mind steady regardless of what may come

of good or bad.

Tolerate or 'accept' the fact of something without your mind's judgment. 

Accept the fact that you are 'upset' or 'angry', 
realize it is a false reaction to an illusion.

Think of anger as if it is a poison you got in your system. 
If you get it out {release it} you will be OK and live.
If you keep it in, {hold a grudge, not forgive, seek revenge, etc.}
you will 'poison' your system and die {lose your joy and happiness and love}.
And this can lead to detrimental actions, not in your favor.

A PSI BEING {spiritual-minded person} is everything and nothing at the same time in the same space with the same energy and matter as everyone else.

A PSI BEING has nothing that everyone else doesn't possess themselves.

The difference is, 
who and what he is,
and what he can do,
whereas the ordinary 
{unenlightened} person 

Because the PSI BEING is actually located out of time and space and the limited mind, he is able to discriminate between things and he can choose either right or wrong actions, and accept {allow} or reject {dismiss} improper or misdirected emotions and/or efforts.

In fact,  since a man can't get {express} mad because it is a carnal sin it can 
drive him 'mad' or 'insane' in his mind.
The same as the restriction of sexual freedom
creates rapist and pedophiles.
Expressed angered {controlled}
is better than unexpressed anger
{uncontrolled, but festering.}

A PSI BEING thinks what he wants when he wants and even makes up devices and scenes where he tortured his enemies or kill them.  What he doesn't do is 'ACT' OUT' all his thoughts.

He is entertaining a created fantasy and he knows it!

This is the difference between facts and illusions. Or fantasy and reality.

The PSI BEING thinks as he pleases and likes and dislikes what he pleases but DOESN'T ACT OUT ALL THAT IS IN HIS MIND.
And most importantly,
he KNOWS what he creating is not real!

It's a rainy day.  You wanted a sunny day.  You are mad.
What for?  A rainy day is just as good as a sunny day except
one must have fun indoors instead of outdoors.  
And who said you can't walk in the rain and have
the fun experience of 'playing in the rain'?
People might think that you are crazy,
but like a child, you are using your imagination to 
turn a rather mundane boring day into a
Super Day. 

You can't stop getting mad at certain things or situations.
But rarely should people make you mad.  
As you know, if they make you mad
and you are overly reacting to it,
and they are coaching you on,
they are in control of you,
instead of you being in
control of yourself.

It's like pouring gasoline on a rather small fire. 
It's only going to get blown up out of proportion and no one will win.

Getting mad at people is the same as trying to control them.
It is a wish to possess them and make them do what YOU want them to do,
not what they want to do. 

is the battle cry of the stupid here.

Anger in many cases is a very selfish act and in many, 
cases, you have no real right to be angry at all.

Being anger is like saying to the physical universe or someone else:
 "YOU must obey ME or else!"

It is like telling the universe to move as you please and not as it is eternally 'set' to do.
You're fighting a losing battle here.

Certain things people do and situations you don't like are always going to be waiting for you in your future, it is a negative world we live in, expect it.

You can't stop a bird from pooping on top of your head, but you can stop him from building a toilet there.

Here is a PSI TECHNIQUE to help you handle fear:

Take a personal person or situation or incident that makes you really anger and think about it with all the anger you can muster up.
Do this on purpose and get REAL mad 
and then deliberately 
let it go {in a big exhale}.


Think of something else that really 'pushes your button' that really 'steams your coffee' now or in the past and then 
let the 'anger energy' go in a big exhale
as if you were setting hell on fire!

This will help you immensely in controlling anger.


If you remember you are a PSI BEING and everything you THINK you lost or don't have,
in Spirit or Energy force.  

You just have to manifest it in the Psychic and Physical Worlds.

The PSI BEING is completely WHOLE.
What can he possible BE or WANT that he doesn't 
possess in abundance already?

A PSI BEING biggest problem is forgetting 
WHO he is and WHAT he can do.

life and power is 

No one 'gave' you life.  You always possessed life.

Even as YOU ARE LIFE here now and forever.

When you see that 'mad' is a hidden
you are thinking and acting as a 

Stay Young.  Stay Strong  Stay Gold.  Stay Smart. {Satan}.


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