Friday, June 15, 2018


I Will Accept Self-help For Myself
Here is the end of choice. For here we come to a decision to accept ourselves as God.  Not as He created us which is in complete error, but as an 'EXTENSION OF HIS POWER AND ENERGY' known in the world as SATAN, or Satan/Lucifer.
 And what is choiceexcept, certainty of what we are? There is no doubt that I AM THAT I AM. There is no question but reflects this one. There is no conflict that does not entail the single, simple question, "What am I?" 
The only real mistake a PSI BEING can make is to forget who he is, and what he can do.
Yet who could ask this question except one who has refused to recognize himself? Only refusal to accept yourself could make the question seem to be sincere. 

The only thing that can be surely known by any living thing is what it is. From this one point of certainty, it looks on other things as certain as itself.
"I accept myself as I am perfect and imperfect."
Uncertainty about what you must be is self-deception on a scale so vast, its magnitude can hardly be conceived. To be alive and not to know yourself is to believe that you are really dead. For what is life except to be yourself, and what but you can be alive instead? Who is the doubter? What is it he doubts? Whom does he question? Who can answer him?
  "I am this problem and I transcend this problem. I have a solution to this problem here and now and therefore it is no problem at all."
 You are reality, how can you doubt yourself?  What you doubt are situations and circumstances and very well should.
It cannot really be a part of you that asks this question. For it asks of one who knows the answer. Were it part of you, then 'certainty' would be impossible. For the PSI BEING is certain.  His knowledge is 'certainty'
We don't have to be 'perfect' to possess 'perfect knowledge'.
Therefore this is an illusionary or imaginary you, you have taken [accepted} as 'the REAL YOU that sees no need to cry about anything.
This phantom you, this Jesus, is an illusion of failure, hopeless, godlessness, and void of all power to do anything at all.
Cast it out and you will automatically come into your true Self an true Power.
Stay Young.  Stay Strong.  Stay Gold.  Stay Smart {Satan}. 


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